Jak sprzedać mieszkanie w Warszawie na rynku wtórnym - samodzielnie czy z pośrednikiem

Where to find real estate for sale?

The Internet, property portals, open days and property exhibitions – are the most popular places where you can find out about current real estate offers in Warsaw and choose the perfect flat for you.

Today, the Internet is the primary source of information about real estate available for sale in the capital. You can find all the necessary information on flats, apartments and houses for sale in every district of Warsaw online. Real estate agencies present detailed data on available offers on their websites and in social media. Videos and virtual 3D walk-throughs of flats are standard now. Open days, during which real estate agents show available premises to interested parties, are becoming increasingly popular. Property exhibitions, on the other hand, offer the opportunity to check out many different offers in one place. In addition, during such events, visitors can usually take advantage of additional consultations with, for example, a credit advisor or interior designer. There are many offers in the capital city, so the help of a specialist from a Warsaw real estate agency will be invaluable.